'Live @ Sensational Fix' LP (Starlight Furniture Co. -
distribuited by Revolver USA)
"On June 17, 2008, the exhibition
Sonic Youth etc.: Sensational Fix opened at LiFE in Saint-Nazaire, France,
with a focus on their multi-disciplinary activities since 1981--collaborations
with visual artists, filmmakers, designers, and musicians, as well as
other works selected by the band.
As part of the exhibition project, My Cat Is An
Alien performed on stage with their long-time collaborator
Ramona Ponzini (Painting Petals On Planet Ghost,
Black Magic Disco, Z'ev) singing Japanese, Michael
Morley of New Zealand's free noise band Dead
C, and Lee Ranaldo
of Sonic Youth. As a non-programmed
live act, My Cat Is An Alien were supplied with two guitars from Sonic
Youth's memorabilia wall of old guitars. No MCIAA show would be complete
without sounds and beams generated by space toy guns, which they liberated
from a local vintage toys warehouse (including a toy microphone for Roberto's
Exhibition curator Roland Groenenboom
recalls: "Michael Morley joined My Cat Is An Alien and Ramona
Ponzini on stage for an improv piece. They were already way into developing
it when, to their surprise, Lee Ranaldo picked up the guitar that Maurizio
had left lying on stage when he moved on to playing percussion, which
only made the already phenomenal sonic achievement even denser."
Stills from the live footage shot by Groenenboom appear on the color insert.
During the performance, Roberto shot photos with a Poloroid camera supplied
by LiFE's director Christophe Wavelet--what Opalio entitles
"The Sensational Fix trilogy"--which are front
and back cover and labels of this LP.
Side B features a collection of solo pieces by each of the five members
of this extemporaneous ensemble. The perfect compendium to the unicity
of this historical document." (Starlight)
'Live @ Sensational Fix' (Michael Morley, My
Cat Is An Alien, Ramona Ponzini, Lee Ranaldo) >>>
watch live video footage excerpt here >>>
'Blue Ether' (Roberto Opalio)
'Gate the Grand Century'
(Michael Morley)
'Verona, Interzone' (Lee
Ranaldo, Ramona Ponzini)
'Passo Galambra' (Maurizio
'Hi no tori - Firebird'
(Ramona Ponzini, Roberto Opalio)